Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I am so truly and incredibly blessed.
Everything in my life may not be perfect,
But too often I let those imperfections 
Blind me to how blessed my life truly is.
My goal for 2012 is to recognize those blessings.
My blogging goal is to recognize my blessings at least once a week.

Karlee's favorite song [right now] is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She sings it constantly. So much so that just last week I bought her a necklace with a star charm on it at our favorite accessory shop: Forever 21, and she calls it her Twinkle Little Star necklace. Anyway, as I said, she sings the song all the time, however it's her version of the song..."Trinkle Trinkle Little Star abadadnbass you are. Up in the sky you trinkle trinkle little star". Well today, as we were running an errand to Short Pump, Mikey and I were talking in the front seat when we heard this tiny voice from the back seat singing "Trinkle Trinkle Little Star. How. I. wonder. what. you. are." My heart soared. I couldn't believe how incredibly excited and proud I was at hearing her sing the song the "correct" way. Now if we can just replace "Emmasapien our food" with "Let us thank him for our food" at dinner time we'll be alright. ;) [I'm still trying to figure out who Emmasapien is]

Lilly had her first bubble bath in a big bathtub tonight. We decided that since I was in the tub and Lilly was ready for her nightly bath, why not? So in she came. She whined a little at first, like she usually does at bath time anyway. But I splashed some water gently on her tummy and lowered her into the water and she calmed right down. I could literally feel her relax in my arms as she looked around and undoubtedly listened to the bubbles popping in her ears. {Special thanks to Liz Davis for the Babyganics Tub Time Bubble Bath!} She relaxed so much that she was dozing off while I washed her hair.

I have an amazing fiance. Truly. We don't agree on everything. And we have our bickering. But really who doesn't. In the end, I love him. He makes me happy. He completes me. He loves me. I make him happy. I complete him. We're good together. We have common goals, we just don't always agree on how to get there. But hey, there's more than one way to get to China. I'm trying to get there the scenic route, Mikey's trying to dig through the center of the Earth. :o) But on a serious note...I feel so blessed to have him in my life. On my worst day, he looks at me and I can see the love and desire that he has for me. [imagine when I'm feeling confident and pretty, dare say Sexy]. Blessed.

I look forward to sharing more blessings as there are many in my life. 
I'll leave you today with a picture from K's bath that makes me smile. 
I call it Bubble Bath Blowin Kisses

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